Paddling on the Ocoee River

Hi Everyone:
This is a personal synopsis from my experiences (thus far) on the middle section of the Ocoee River.
I’m a fairly new paddler and still learning the river. I laughed each time I wrote the words “Big Sticky Hole” but there are lots of Big Sticky Holes on the middle Ocoee.

You’re welcome to read my notes but by reading them you agree that they are for entertainment purposes only and are not intended to guide you on the river nor any particular rapid. Rapids change depending on water level. I always paddle with an experienced crew and so should you.
I’m only beginning to understand classifications so the classifications listed below came from professional river raft guides, not me.


RR = River Right
RL = River Left
PR = Player’s Right
PL = Player’s Left

Class III

Ferry between 2nd and 3rd rock.  Point bow up river (1 o’clock).  Find the main flow toward RL.  Peel out down river.  Paddle hard but watch out for submerged rocks.  Stay away from rafts…be patient.

Class II+

Secondary Put-in
Boogie Water
Ferry toward RL to main flow or ferry all the way across to extreme RL and catch eddy directly across from the Put-In.  Peel out with good edge control until boat is pointed downriver.

North Shore
Easy Class III

Short Rapid.  Good Eddy spot to take a breather.

Staging Eddy
Easy Class III

Big funnel (Power Flow) at the top.  Eddy out right or left.  Big surf and ferry wave at top.  Smaller surf wave at bottom.
Great practice spot with roadside parking.

Gonzo Shoals
Class III

Big rock that looks like Gonzo’s nose.  Approach on the left of the rock then Eddy behind the rock. Ferry to main flow and peel out down river.  A bit tricky because there are small (6”) ledges in quick succession.

Walk the Plank
Class III Technical

Eddy behind Gonzo Rock.  Peel out and over 2 small drops.  Eddy and ferry toward RL steering boat between rocks just below a ledge.  Ferry immediately on the downstream side of the ledge using the pourover hydraulic to stay close to the ledge.  Once into the main flow, peel out into and over 3′ chute drop.  Watch out for upstream traffic.

Karma Rock

Give it a love tap with hand or paddle for good River Karma.

Broken Nose
Class III+
BN is on RR.  If rafts are in the area, either delay entrance into Broken Nose or take the middle left line.

Look for water flow pouring over a rock from left to right.  Hit that curling wave square and let it Typewriter Move the boat down the face of the rock.  Angle boat downward into the approaching hole.  Paddle hard to get through the hole then paddle hard again to get through the lower hole.
Lots of available eddies.

Second Helping
Class III
  (Seems easier than class III to me)
Boogie Water, fun.

Slice ‘n’ Dice
Class III

2 Funnels. 
Play Spot with great Ferry Wave and a Surf Wave to play in
Eddy on RL. Get out of boat, take a breather, snack, and Hang Out with friends.


Rock that looks like an Elephant
Pay Reverence

Moon Shoot (or is it Chute?)
Class III
I love the approach of Moon Shoot.  I’ve just reentered my kayak after relaxing at the Slice ‘n’ Dice eddy hangin’ with friends.  I’m relaxed, calm, and ready for the next series of rapids.  I’ve just given greetings to Ganesha and feel like I’m connected to the river.

Approach Elephant Rock on the left and catch the eddy behind it.  Ferry across some frothy water toward RR.  Take RR around the mooning rock.  Ferry RR to RL just below the drop on RR.  Ferry RR to RL and catch the eddy without bumping the rock.  Great practice.

Double Suck
Class III
I have yet to run right through the meat of the hole.  I have skirted the big sticky hole by paddling down the main chute but just barely missing the large wave..  It’s possible to run far RL but my preferred line is to catch the boof nearly on RR.  It’s easy to go too far right and hit a piton rock.  Look for the curling pour over water and just catch the boof rock without going too far right.

Below Double Suck
There is a great 360 hole on RR and a side surf hole all the way over on RL.

Hell’s 1/2 Mile
Class III

Boogie Water leading directly into Double Trouble.

Double Trouble
Class III
Can approach from RR or RL
Big Waves.  Second wave should be respected.  Boat angle is key. Paddle hard…dig through the waves.  I have flipped here once and made my roll.  Photo opportunity with

Jump Rock
Class II

A good place to catch an eddy and rest.
Nice ferry action here and stern squirts for ½ slicers.

Left Right Left
Class II

Catch the eddies!!!

Squeeze Play
Class II


Class III

Several lines to take.  Far left is conservative.  Far right is whoooshy big water.  Middle left is a boof.  Right boof stroke with slight left leaning landing.  Paddle HARD to get away from the hydraulic. I’ve been upside down here and it kinda sucks….and sucks you in. But, I’ve also made the boof and it’s a THRILL to paddle away from it.

STRONG play wave on RR with a couple hundred feet to complete a combat roll.  Consequences if roll is not made.
Possible to do a Mystery Move (my long-term goal) in a play boat on the PR side of the hydraulic.

Class III
Surf Spot

Class I

Swim Area. Relax.

Goforth Creek
Rest Spot
Good place for lunch, chill, relax.

Hiwassee Shoals
Class II

Easy but deceptive.  Most of it is easy but Sneaky Pete and Surprise are tippy.  I swam at Surprise because I slowed down for a fellow kayaker and got caught in the hydraulic. It’s a mistake to relax on Hiwassee Shoals. Stay alert.

Class II

Two Eddies on RL.  Large eddy is first.  Smaller eddy is second.  Both eddies allow me to get a visual of Table Saw and see the “all clear” signal from my lead paddling buddies down below.
Depending on the line to enter Table Saw, paddle to the top of the eddy then ferry to desired line then peel out toward the steepest rapid of the Middle Ocoee.

Table Saw
Class III+

My preferred line is to skirt right of the first big curler.  Then angle the boat toward 11 o’clock.  Keep 11 o’clock angle to stay in the meat of the rapid.  In my experience, running right through the center (after the first wave) is easier than trying to avoid the meat.  Keep paddling and keep proper boat angle.  Don’t stop paddling at the bottom until my boat is completely out of the rapid.

Prudential Rock

Everyone gets a piece of the rock.  Avoid hitting this rock at the bottom right of Table Saw.
When I skirt Table Saw to the right, I inevitably have to fight to keep from hitting Prudential Rock.  I’ve seen rafts and kayaks pinned here.  Stay away.

Eddy after Table Saw

Eddy Right or Left.  RL is preferable to give a good approach to Diamond Splitter.  There are lots of partially submerged rocks to navigate around.  If eddying on RL, paddle to top of eddy, ferry into the main current, then peel out downstream.

Diamond Splitter
Class III

RR is my favorite line for Diamond Splitter.   Follow the flow to the right of Diamond Splitter Rock.  BIG FLOWY smooth chute into a big, non-grabby wave followed by a short wave train.  The left line of Diamond Splitter Rock is a shallow section flowing into Witch’s Hole.  Witch’s Hole is big and grabby but fairly easy to punch through.

Sigh of Relief
Emotional Relief
Whewww….Table Saw and Diamond Splitter are DONE!!!!

Reefer Rock

Immediately after Diamond Splitter on RL.  Great place to hang out and chat with friends.

Western Flyer
Class III

Boogie Water with a breaking wave to surf.  Boogie Woogie!!!

Class III

Good basic flowy rapid.

Cat’s Pajamas
Class III

Nice Ferry Wave.  Small surf wave on RR.
Great place to play and practice combat rolls.

Doldrums before Hell Hole
Calm Before the Storm

Catch breath and prepare for Hell Hole.  Get distance between myself and other boaters and rafts. No time to swim here.

Hell Hole
Class III+

RL gives an easier line to skirt the two main waves of Hell Hole.  Current coming in from RL tends to push a kayak into the bigger water.  If I don’t want to run Hell Hole, I paddle hard to RL to miss the main meat.  RR flows into the meat of the two main waves.  The boat can be pretty far over to RR and it will be brought right into the two big waves.  Point the boat, paddle like hell and KEEP PADDLING until completely through the waves.

Hell Hole Eddies
River Left Eddy is big.  Great spot to hang out with friends and get ready to surf Hell Hole.  RR Eddy is smaller.  There are a couple eddies on RR.  Just below the bridge is a stable but small eddy.

Hell Hole Ferry
Class III
Ferry Back and forth across the current just below the 2nd Hell Hole wave.  STRONG current…good ferry practice.

Power House
Class III

RR Line is pretty straight forward.  Follow the green tongue.

Paddle Out
Class I and II
After Power House, the paddle to the public take out is about 20 minutes.  There are a few easy rapids and baby surf waves.  It’s a good time to decompress and wind down but stay alert.